Blackfox Models Africa

Blackfox Models Africa

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


What is plus size modeling?
Plus size modeling can be many things. I will go over the most common types of plus modeling, the requirements for each type and the best way to find work.
Plus size fashion models
The first and most known type of plus modeling is plus size fashion modeling. Here, a plus size model is defined as “a non-straight size model.” Straight-size is a term to describe “regular” fashion models, the girls sized 0-2-4. For most agencies, you are technically plus size from a size 6, and there are actually girls working as plus size models in that size, often leading to the reaction “what? You call that plus size?” But it is very important to remember that plus size models in this category are rarely plus size women. Size wise, they are average. Most models in this category fall between a size 10 and a size 16, but 8s and 18s are not an exception. Larger than 18 almost never happens.
Plus size industry models have the same requirements as straight-size industry models. They have to be tall; 5’8” is a minimum, but taller is preferred since a tall frame will carry a size better. They are also very proportionate, with great skin, a toned body, long legs, nice hair, and a beautiful smile and face. The thing that sets them apart from other fashion models is their size. I mentioned before that their size is considered average, but other than that they are not really a representative of the “real average woman,” and that is also not why they are here. Think about it, do fashion models represent the average slim girl? No, and plus size agency models do not represent the average plus size girl either, only in size. The other major difference is age. While for straight-size models it’s usually “the younger the better,” plus size models start working later and can work well in their 20s.
Most work in this category is commercial, but legitimate fashion work (like major designers and fashion magazines) is slowly finding its way into the plus size industry.
While plus size fashion models are often classically beautiful, there’s also a different, “edgier” type on the rise. In a lot of cases, these are models that used to be straight-size models, but who made the switch and became plus size models. So don’t worry if you are a plus size model with super short hair, or a gap between your teeth; the only way to find out if an agency will like your look is by applying.
Keep it here for Part 2

1 comment:

  1. Plus size industry models have the same requirements as straight-size industry models. They have to be tall; 5’8” is a minimum, but taller is preferred since a tall frame will carry a size better. how to become a plus size model
