Blackfox Models Africa

Blackfox Models Africa

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


(Picture by
 Over the years, we've compiled a list of tips for glamour models to help create both an amazing experience and incredible images. Here they are:

- Arrive on time. Showing up late can throw off the photographer's entire day, which will definitely put them in a bad mood. An angry photographer will simply not be able to create the best possible image. No excuses%u2026 Be On Time!

- Wear loose clothing to the shoot. Remember that bras, underwear, jeans, and other tight-fitting items will leave lines and marks on your body that the photographer will have to hide or fix in post-production.

- Have a fresh manicure and pedicure. Those finishing touches can mean the difference between an image that the sells for years and one that's tossed into the trash as unusable.

- Know if the photographer is using a professional makeup artist and/or hair stylist. If they are, ask if you should arrive without makeup and product in your hair. If they aren't, ask if the photographer wants you to arrive with hair and makeup already done or if they provide time and space to do it at their studio. In short, be prepared so you're not wasting anybody's time.

- Bring heels! We're amazed at how often a glamour model will show up with several great outfits, and no shoes to wear. Remember that high heels will help in creating good posture and are a finishing touch to a great image.

- Be well-rested. The model who walks in with bags under her eyes, yawning and apologizing because she was 'out partying' all night will never get hired again!

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